So here's the deal.
I am not unhappy at
my current job. It is fine. I am salaried and have the opportunity to make commissions, which is a very nice set-up. It's just not what I want to do with my life. In my heart of hearts I don't yearn to be a Washington real estate mogul (or as my friend Jeremy would say, "real estate mongrel.")
So I seek employment elsewhere. I speak (less and less) Mandarin Chinese. I know a fair amount about music. I can play a bunch of instruments. I have a working knowledge of Protools recording software.
Anyone have any ideas? I have been pretty vigilant with and, but to no avail. I would love to find a job in the music industry in any respect, but not for no money. And there don't seem to be a lot of ads that say "we are looking for a guy who knows a little about many aspects of music."
I would even be happy with a job in which I could make use of my linguistic skills. Problem is, I don't know too much about China or about what's happening in the world in general. I was always very interested in Chinese literature and in the language side of things, not in using the Chinese I have learned as a tool to get me toward some other goal. Chinese is the end for me, not the means...
So I implore you, people of the internet, to make me employed. Just think how great it would be to be responsible for putting someone on the path to his dream! You can do it. I know you can. Ready.... go.
(Incidentally, part of the impetus for this renewed job-search fervor is this awesome book,
Love Me You should read it. )