Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Me Gusta Cayo Hueso

Key West was fantastic.

I spent much of my time on the beach.

That was the beach about 2 minutes away from our condo. There were other, bigger, less seaweed-y beaches a little further out.

I also spent much time drunk with my brother, Mark, (left) and my sister, Gina (right). Ok, just kidding, that's the cigar calesman on the right. Gina was taking the picture.

I even caught some fish! Actual action shots of fishing are forthcoming, but here's a preview of the cero mackerel I caught.

I'm... happy... to be home. Ok, I miss Florida a little bit, but there's a lot to like about Washington. Like Connie! And... other stuff... It'll just take a while to acclimate.


Blogger Anna said...

I wonder if it is healthy that those pictures seem to inspire a lot of jealousy in me ... and I don't even like fishing ... sigh, I think it is the constant Wisconsin snow. Post more pictures of beach pronto!!

4:06 PM  

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