Monday, June 20, 2005

In California

That's me on the beach after my internship. That's right, at 5:00 in the afternoon I got out for the day and decided to walk down to the beach and read for a while.

California is awesome.

Sure, I'm currently sponging off of my friend Jon and sleeping on an air mattress in his living room. And sure, I don't really know how long I'll be able to pay rent once I DO find a place of my own, in that I have no income right now.

But I'm loving it here. My internship is very interesting. I'm working closely with a well-established singer/songwriter, learning aboutg the biz, getting to contact some pretty important people in the music industry and introduce myself to them. And I'm even playing some music with my boss, which is exciting.

Also, I seem to have won a contest through Verizon Superpages!

Contest info

I entered about a year ago, and I was chosen through a drawing of hundreds of thousands of contestants. So far I have won (I think) a $10,000 shopping spree to any store that advertises with superpages. I also have the chance to win a $2,000,000 shopping spree (payable in $50,000/year) if I pick two matching envelopes out of 25 at the grand prize event, which happens in about a month or so. Details are a little sketchy as to what I can get for my prize, how I do it, and when the drawing is, but I know I won! Hooray! More details tk!

I miss everybody!


Blogger Anna said...

Ohhhhh, California IS awesome. I'm totally going to be you and sponge off of your hospitality when you get your own place ... mwahahahaha!

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dan,

Why did you move away when I moved back to DC? Were you afraid Rob would eat your bones (remember you said that!!)??

it sounds like California is a wonderful place to be right about now. I am thinking of you and wishing you well. If I were independently wealthy, I would be your patron. And I wouldn't even require sexual favors.... probably.

3:33 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

Happy Birthday Dan!

9:36 AM  

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